Last night I watched three Wishes show in TV. There was one wish by a 13yrs old girl that very touching for those watching it. She has disability in her brain that caused him unable to walk properly, indeed the medical staffs who treated her said that she’s completely unable to walk. But with intensive training and great passion, now she’s able to walk by using helping tool (apa yaa English-nya tongkat buat bantu orang jalan?).
Her favorite are books, especially about horses. She love cartoon movie called “spirit”, the story (and the horse it self) inspired her. Despite her disability, she has an amazing dream for her community; a LIBRARY. So far she already has around 6000 books donated by people. INCREDIBLE…!!!
When she was interviewed by the host, she said that she don’t know where to put the books for the large number of it. She would be very happy if there is a library in his hometown so that every child can read there. It’s her dream to be useful for the community. Woww…what a dream…!!! Not for her own interest, but for her community good.
U know what, not only a library. But also a horse becomes hers. Later on she said, “The horse is the wish that I wouldn’t dare to say”. Oow…what a touching moment.
Maybe lots of us complain too much on how something not run in the way we wanted. Complain that we don’t have this stuff, don’t have that stuff, lack in this area, lack in that area and many other complains. All we do is blame the others for our incompetence, and maybe blame God for our life.
There is no such a perfect person. U know that even the person who run the most powerful country in the world has dyslexia? (betul ga gini tulisannya utk orang yg suka kebolik-balik kalo ngucapin kata2?, taunya seh dia sering2 salah ngucap kata kl lagi pidato di senat, trus juga pas konferensi APEC dia salah ngucapin jadi OPEC lebih dari sekali :D).
It is all up to us how to see the life. There is something beyond our strengths, beyond our knowledge, beyond our imaginations and beyond our logic thinking. Something that has decided what kind of life we live for. He had given has all the things we need and given us the freedom to use it or not. Don’t always look at our disabilities, what pay close attention on what potential we have and use it to earn a better life for our self, our family and our community.
Look inside your self, find your potential, use it to build your strength and live the life that beneficial for others. Don’t go back coz of your disabilities, that little girl has thought me a little more about life.
[The title is taken from the word of a close friend of mine, who once had assisted me to learn what the life is for 2.5 years]
Sunday, November 11, 2007.
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